Javier Solana @javiersolana Al Qaeda's franchise in Syria, just one year old, is now the fastest growing al Qaeda front in the world.Bruce Riedelhttp://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/02/23/al-nusra-al-qaeda-s-syria-offensive.html … Expand Al Nusra: Al Qaeda's Syria Offensive The terror group's Syrian front is not only attacking Assad, but building a base from which they can threaten U.S. interests in the region. The Daily Beast @thedailybeast · Follow 5 hrs54Peter Clifford @PeterClifford1 #Syria Opposition make more gains in #DeirelZour, while #FSA loses patience & shells #Hezbollah in #Lebanon: http://tinyurl.com/PCOSyria2 Expand 5 hrsEdmond Terakopian @terakopian Sadly another photojournalist dies; Olivier Voisin Dead: French Photographer Dies After Syria Shelling. #presshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/24/olivier-voisin-dead-syria_n_2754162.html#slide=1240267 … Followed by Richie Kawamoto Expand Journalist Killed In Syria French freelance photographer Olivier Voisin has died after suffering severe wounds in a shelling in Syria, France's foreign ministry announced on Sunday. HuffPost Media @HuffPostMedia · Follow 5 hrs66Liz Sly @LizSly Figuring out who is arming Syria's rebels is a bit like reading Murder on the Orient Express. Our story today http://m.washingtonpost.com/world/in-syria-new-influx-of-weapons-to-rebels-tilts-the-battle-against-assad/2013/02/23/a6bf2bc0-7dfb-11e2-9073-e9dda4ac6a66_story.html … Expand 6 hrs58Aحmad H. عggour @Psypherize First it was bullets, then tanks, then mortar bombs, then artillery, then TNT barrel bombs, then MiGs and Sukhois, now SCUD missiles.#Syria Expand 6 hrs54Peter Clifford @PeterClifford1 #Syria As death toll from #Damascus bomb blast rises, 90 bodies...
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